dex's website

salutations! Greetings! Kumusta!

Hello and welcome to my website, I'll be guiding you today to my website and journal called Hero's Journey! Feel Free tp Look around as you scroll!

Admittingly, my website isn't worth your time to engage in. So, to make it intriguing, I made a short interactive html and python scripting-based game.

my journey throughout computers has just begun. Through reent research and web browsing, I was able to identify three type of coding languages: Markup languages that is ideal for structuring a website and web date, Scritping language that is ideal for settings commands and possible automatiob to; telling certain actions accurately for the "computer", and Programming languae that is thoroughly for structuring hardware computers and robotics; it identifies you a computer wizard/scientist.

I marked up my journey to control my ADHD brain or as I would see it in a positive outlook as a nasty quirk. With times that I get unfocused and fidgets alot.Click on this link about what ADHD is

What are ADHD signs and awareness?